GoophBaLL's Page

Older Sets

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"All My Styles"
"Auxiliary Sound Test"
"The WaterRoom Mini-EP"
"Western Star Battle Disco Wars"
"Every Day Journey"
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These are older, unofficial sets.  They're albums from a time in which I didn't quite used to take this hobby as seriously.  From a more experimental time, when I was more or less finding my musical voice.
I really only consider "Every Day Journey" as my first real, OFFICIAL album, and "Western Star Battle Disco Wars" as my second, but since these are a part of my learning experiences, I'm making them available for listening.  They are highly unmastered, and may be low-quality or have some issues like sound clipping. 
They may also be tagged as "PsQueak" rather than "PsQu3aK", since "PsQu3aK" is more or less what I've decided to use for the OFFICIAL albums.

PsQueak - "Pitch Bender"
00 - Trump Card -- 01 - Madera -- 02 - Woodwinds -- 03 - Exhale -- 04 - Spit Boss -- 05 - Deep House --
06 - Phobos -- 07 - Dark Luminosity -- 08 - Yeah Yeah -- 09 - The Minute

PsQueak - "Patience - "ElectroRhapsody" EP"
00 - Patience - "ElectroRhapsody"
01 - Upcoming (Part 1)
02 - Preparation (Part 2)
03 - Invasion (Part 3)
04 - Patient (Part 4)

Oldies but goodies